My crazy story that relates to the waterslide starts in whistler. One day in the winter some of the snow had melted of the ski hills so it was cold and I and my cousins were bored out of our minds. So we were walking around the village looking for something to do. Then when we finally made it through the village without finding anything slightly stimulating. On our way back home we walked by a slightly larger pond and it was completely frozen over. My cousins and I both knew what we were going to do. So we walked back home put on our ski gear and headed back to the pond. When we got there we weren't exactly sure how thick the ice was but no one wanted to test it. Then my little cousin who is about 8 volunteered to test it. So I thought "why not, he's the lightest." So he ran onto the ice and slid about 2 or 3 feet; nothing happened. So it gave all of us a crazy idea to see who could slide the farthest on the ice. So my cousin ran back and went first he slide a little farther than last time. So then my other cousin who is 11 and is a little smaller than me went, he slid a little bit farther than my other cousin, and I could see the ice stressing but it still looked fine. So it way finally it was my turn, stepped back a couple of feet to get a running start, then I ran as fast as I could and slid on the ice pretty far across the pond. I was slowing down as I was heading for the edge of the pond I could see the that the ice on the edge of the pond was thinner that the other side, I didn't think anything was going to happen, when I got to the other side I was on the thinner ice it was seeming to hold up, so I stood up and I heard a cracking, all the sudden the ice fell from under me. As I plunged into the chest deep ice water, I was shocked and struggled to get on the edge of the pond. As I was on the bank I was sitting there breathing heavily, then all the sudden I realized that what just happened was absolutely hilarious, so I started to laugh and looked over to my cousins who were killing themselves laughing. Then I finally got up and walked over to my cousins, and we decided we were just going to walk home.

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