This photo relates to my book; the outliers. It relates becasue in one chapter of the book it explains that to become a professional musician that you have to practice 10,000 hours. The book mainly focused on the piano but they explained that this "10,000 hour rule" applies to eny instrument. It did not say this about anything else but intruments

Photo by: tastytreat87

1 Q: What time of year do people need to born to more likely be in the NHL?

1 A: They need to be born early in the year from January to late February.

2 Q: Why do people born before June have a better chance of playing high level baseball?

2 A: They have a better chance because the cut off age for baseball is in late June to play an age group above you, or play elite because if you play with older years you could possibly be viewed as a better player.

3 Q: What if baseball leagues changed the cut off age to later in the year?

3 A: If they did this it would allow much more players to play with the same age group as opposed to playing with an age group above you which could be a little bit more challen